Friday 17 August 2012


I've been pretty unmotivated recently. It's hard having no job and no money, especially knowing that you might not be going back to University any more because the Job Centre is potentially going to screw you over royally. I've read a couple of articles recently about how people are abusing the welfare system and about how too much money goes towards welfare. Fuck that. The welfare state in it's current state is a sham and the only way to rescue it is to throw more money at it. There aren't enough people problems and their no apologies approach is absolutely disgusting. No matter how much they screw up it is never their fault and always the customer's fault. I have been fighting tooth and nail for money to survive on for the last 5 months and I haven't received a penny so far. How do they expect anyone to get back to work with this approach.

Fucking cunts

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