Thursday 30 June 2011

Photoshop portrait continued

There's loads wrong with this proportionally and tonally but I'm gonna leave it at that. It's nicely stylized and and maintains a degree of more instinctive creative mark making which I wanted to keep. If I had kept going at it it could have ended up being too clean. I'm quite pleased with it. :)

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Photoshop portrait in progress

Drawing of my friend, Katherine, in progress. I was gonna try and finish it tonight but Photoshop crashed after I had done quite a lot so I'm giving it a rest till tomorrow. Used a basic brush for the rough under drawing and an oil pastel brush for the later colours just to prevent it going too clean and smooth. Her eyes look kinda scary at the moment! I'm going for proper eye detail once the basic shading is done.

Monday 27 June 2011

coloured inks this time

This is a bit cheesy. Was really struggling to come up with something today. I probably will carry on with this tomorrow. Might bring in some acrylic and metallic paint tomorrow. 

Sunday 26 June 2011

Not really in the mood

I started this but I wasn't really in rhe mood. Feeling full of cold and not all that motivated. I'll hopefully start bright and early tomorrow and have a go at something a bit more ambitious.

This is completely unfinished and will probably stay that way.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Some basic pencil drawing practise (facial expressions)

Some greek woman on deviantart. Thought I'd  have a bash at expressions as there's a series of four of these photos of her pulling different faces. Not particularly exciting but it's good for the ol' understanding how to draw people side of things. I still can't draw hair though. It's turned out all fucked and dry like mine for some reason!

Friday 24 June 2011

Slightly rushed steampunk girl

So yeah. Decided that I need some practise drawing women. Everytime I try and draw a character off've the top of my head they always look male. I was happy with yesterdays drawing but decided it was a bit of a cop out because I only drew the face and I'm much better at faces than I am at figures, especially female ones. Spent the evening trawling deviantart for a photo to work from and then realised it was 10 o'clock and rushed out this drawing which I did directly in gel pen on a tiny piece of paper just working from the head down without working out proportions or anything. I'm not particularly pleased with it to be honest. Tomorrow (later today, I guess) I'm gonna crack on with a much bigger better drawing in a similar vein but with much more time and care!

Gel pen then colours added in photoshop. Based on someone's photo on deviantart.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Something a bit more conventional

I thought I'd have a bash at doing something that would work on more conventional skills. I'm not terribly good at drawing women and I haven't really had much of a go at colouring things in in Photoshop before so I thought I'd tackle that. This is black gel pen on paper then photographed and coloured in Photoshop. I forgot to give her a double eyelid on the original drawing! She's loosely based on a random photo I found on deviantart but I played around with the proportions and colours and other various bits as i drew it. Cute dready girls ftw!